江阴市青阳镇振阳路58号 |
联系人:沈经理 |
0510-86557177 |
0510-86556177 |
0510-86557377 |
wxhzc2010@163.com |
> 详细联系方式 |
我们:竭尽所能 为员工铺设广阔的发展舞台 为客户提供竞争力的产品与服务
我们:追求企业、客户、人才、自然与社会的和谐统一、协调发展 为了共同的理想与目标而只争朝夕、永往直前 |
We will do our possible to pave the widest
development stage for our staff, to support the most competitive
products and services for our customers, to create the maximal
value for the progress and development of society.
we pursue the harmonious and uniform and the low-pitched development
of the enterprise,custoers,talented persons, nature and society. |